Money makes people happy Исполнитель
“Money makes people happy”.
What is your opinion?
Write 200-250 words.
Organise your essay in four paragraphs according to the following plan:
- Make an introduction (state the problem);
- Express your personal opinion and reasons for it;
- Give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it;
- Draw a conclusion.
For many years money has been playing an important role in every phase of human beings life, being a bartering tool for products and services. Therefore, some people are the opinion that money makes people happy. For me, I do not totally agree with this point of view as I have some arguments against it. In the following paragraphs I will support my point of view.
In fact, there are many essential things that constitute our happiness. Health, for example, is the essence of our life. No any fortune can provide us happiness, if our health fails. Or let’s take real friendship and relationship which are built beyond the wealth. As statistics shows, with this two people are more likely happy than with anything else. That is why I cannot support the money as a basis of our happiness.
However, some people argue that with money they can buy many things that bring happiness for them. They point out that money can provide us at least, basic things for our life. If we are short of these things we are hardly ever happy.
It is true that we can flourish our basic needs with the help of money. But, it is not adequate with the all support of money to be happy. In fact, according to the surveys the happiest nations are not from rich countries, but from less developed countries like, Bhutan, Bangladesh or India. This example makes clear that having money is not enough to secure happiness for humanity.
All things considered, once more I am inclined to believe that money is not a substance that makes us happy. It is the necessity to keep us alive and to provide our needs as a means of bartering. Therefore, it should not be overestimated over our invaluable feelings.