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Money is not an important thing in our life. Discuss. Исполнитель

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Money is not an important thing in our life. Discuss.

For: there are other valuable things in life

Against: without money it is impossible in this materialistic world.

Opinion: for

Nowadays, there are strong heated debates about the role of money in people’s life. Some people say that as we are living in a materialistic world, the significance of money is so crucial. However, others believe that there are some values for human beings that cannot be replaced with money. Strong arguments exist to support both views that are worth to address before giving personal opinion.

To start with, many people are the same opinion about more valuable things such as kindness, love and tranquility that have been an integral part of humanity for centuries. These priceless values cannot be bought with money no matter the amount of it is.  In fact, people have been strangling for achieving these non-materialistic possessions, having realized the necessity of their position in their life.  After considering these aspects, one can gravitate the idea that money cannot be the most essential possession in life.

Nevertheless, opponents who consider money as the source of happiness are in favor of the notion that money is the provider of successful and happy life in the commercialized world where everything is weighed with it. As they state, the most accepted idea that health is the most precious thing, is also maintained with the help of money as the sustainers of healthy life such as food, medicine, home, cost money. This example makes it clear that money is a strong means of daily life.

After analyzing both sides of the issue, one can draw a conclusion that even though there are undeniable aspects of money in life, values that have been passed on generation to generation still have their essence that outweigh money in our well-being. Therefore, money, in my belief, is only a means of exchanging things we need.

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