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Should countries encourage the tourism? Исполнитель

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Nowadays, tourism is being more popular in many countries. There are heated debates on the issue of whether world countries should encourage the tourism. It is worth to examine both drawbacks and advantages of the tourism before giving my personal opinion on the issue (=In the following paragraphs I will give some points of the people supporting their arguments before giving my personal opinion on the issue).

  Some people think that there are many beneficial sides of the tourism to governments. In fact, the tourism is a good source of earning money. This money can be spent to increase living standards and to develop other industries in the country. Therefore, countries need to care more about developing the tourism.

     However, on the other hand, tourism has many drawbacks. For instance, tourists pollute local environment by throwing rubbish to the surroundings and this cost more than its incomes for the country. In addition to this, foreign tourists break the rules of country and they bring about to spread incurable diseases among local population. Considering these disadvantages, the governments should not encourage the tourism.

   To draw a conclusion, as having been discussed in the abovementioned paragraphs, tourism has good and bad sides that no one can deny. However, I think that tourism’s advantage sides overweigh its disadvantages and that’s way countries ought to develop it in their lands.  This should be done by cooperating with other countries in order to spread its benefits among nations.

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