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Over the last few decades, there has been an increase in international tourism... Исполнитель

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Over the last few decades, there has been an increase in international tourism. Some people think that tourism is beneficial for local communities and should be encouraged. What is your opinion?


 In the twenty-first century, one of the most popular activities among people is international travel. Many assume that this notion will bring a lot of good opportunities for indigenous communities and so that it should be promoted. I agree with this perception up to a point.

  Travelling is not a threat to but it is an aid for host country. It is fact that tourism is the comfortable aspect for international business, opening doors of bright future to many people. In addition to this it also helps to present great history, time-honored traditions and sacred culture, bringing much more money for country budget.  Let us take an example of Abu-Dhabi which is one of the loveliest places for travelers. There, tourism is one of the main sources of earning money. The authority expend this money for the conservation of historical places, it also gives a chance for locals to sell and to serve tourists, yielding high income.

   On the other hand, traveling is one of the features of globalization. The dramatically increase of tourists to the country would reflect variations on behavior, culture and outlook of locals. It also hazardous for local business, because international business is more powerful and it can replace locally easily. These are a number of disadvantages of tourism.

  As outlined above, tourism may bring not only beneficial trends, but also harmful consequences as well. It is recommended that every country should protect their cultural heritages and holy religious.


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