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Living in a foreign country cannot be better than living in your own Исполнитель

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Living in a foreign country cannot be better than living in your own. Discuss.

For: unfair treatment, homesickness

Against: better living standards, well-paid jobs, good education

Nowadays, more and more people are making decisions to live abroad. Some people are concerned that dwelling in a foreign country is not so good as living in their homeland, whereas the others oppose this viewpoint considering the merits of living abroad. In the following paragraphs both bad and good points of the issue from multiple perspectives will be discussed before giving personal opinion.

On the one hand, many people are of the opinion that living in another country has a lot of advantages to offer. A better living standard, for example, is the main motive to encourage a flock of people to go abroad. In fact, developed countries like, the USA have all facilities to ease our life and enjoy it which are scarce in many third world countries. Furthermore, a well-paid job is the other benefit that attracts people to migrate to better places. In the light of these merits many support living abroad.

However, there are some who oppose living abroad as it has several undeniable demerits.  As they state that in an alien country migrants are not always welcomed, coming across many hardships and obstacles. In many cases, newcomers are ignored by locals, being treated unfairly. Consequently, they get into stress, missing their home countries instead of enjoying their stay in a foreign country. Moreover, because of different traditions and morals in a host country, aliens suffer from culture shock. Considering these drawbacks it is agreed that living abroad cannot be better than living one’s own country.

In conclusion, despite there are some hardships, it seems to me that the advantages of living abroad outweigh its disadvantages. It is recommended that in order to facilitate potential difficulties, one should be familiar with the host country before moving there. 

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