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Prevention is better than cure Исполнитель

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“Prevention is better than cure”

Out of a country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Nowadays, it is believed that “prevention is better than cure”. While there are some people who state that out of a country’s health budget, a big amount of money ought to be expended on health education and preventative measures instead of medical care, I agree up to a point with this view.

On the one hand, as we all know, many people have been  already suffering from different serious diseases, such as hepatitis, heart attack, cancer and so forth. It is impossible to get rid of these illnesses. for example, one of the most serious diseases human beings suffering from- cancer would have already been treated, if the research concerning it had been financed well enough. This example makes it clear why governments should consider the problems challenging humankind while supporting preventative measures or health education. Regarding to this side of the issue, I partly agree with the topic statement.

On the other hand, a lot of people, these days, are dying from various types of health-related problems due to the lack of appropriate health education and preventive actions. Thus, governments should expend a huge amount of money from health budget for cure-related education as well as preventive measures. For example, if health education would have been taught by teachers in schools, the drinking or smoking rate would have been reduced significantly. As it is clear, it would have a great number of benefits to invest money in preventative actions and cure-related education.

In conclusion, after considering the importance of both spheres, once more I am inclined to believe that governments should take a balance on financing both treatment and health education because by this way the money would be spend wisely. 

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