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Nowadays many people have access to computers on a wide basis and a large number of children play computer games. Исполнитель

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Theme: Nowadays many people have access to computers on a wide basis and  a large number of children play computer games.

What are the negative impacts of playing computer games and what can be done to minimize the bad effects?


                Not surprisingly, thanks to the development of technologies, many people are using computers on a wide basis. In fact, an enormous number of youth are accessing to computers to play games, facing health problems. The cause of this issue is rooted in the poorer attention of parents. In the following paragraphs there will be given some negative effects and suggestions to tackle the issue.

                One possible panacea to deal with the problem of playing computer games would potentially be parent’s more attention to their children. In fact, many parents are on the go with their work the whole day and their children are being able to sit in front of the computer overplaying games. Eventually, those youth are becoming so lazy and endangering their health. If parents kept busy their children with variety of sporting activities, they could reduce the impacts of the issue.

                Another alternative way to tackle the headache is to limit the time of playing computer games. Here, the main responsibility should fall to the parents to make tough schedule on how much time a day their children ought to spend on computer games and implement compulsory work for their children, like cleaning house and reading more books instead. Because, sitting more hours in front of the computer might cause serious health effects, including deterioration of vision ability, heart attack and skin cancer. Therefore, giving permission children to play computer games in limited hours could be the possible solution to this problem.

                To conclude, there are so many measures which could be taken to minimize the bad effects of playing computer games. If parents paid more attention to their children, there would be more affirmative results.

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