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Prevention is better than cure. Out of a country’s health budget a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. Исполнитель

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Prevention is better than cure. Out of a country’s health budget a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. To what extend do you agree or disagree with this statement?



Today, the world is going through a period of accelerating changes. Many illnesses are being treated and cured than ever before due to advances in medical science, resulting in the increase in life expectancy. In a great number of countries, the focus on clinical care is changing from cure to prevention in order to anticipate future diseases. The matter is whether prevention should be an important component of a country’s budget.

To start with, I fully support those progressive people who claim that preventative measures are the best buy in health. One obvious positive point is that preventative treatment in the early stage of the patienthood will save billions of dollars for a country’s treasure. Another major factor in favor of preventative treating is that prevention increases productivity, enabling people to increase control over their body and improve their health. From the economic point of view, even a small reduction in avoidable risk factors could lead to a gain of more than $1 trillion in labor supply and efficiency.

The authorities of many states have come up with a number of approaches to preserve their citizens’ health. Childhood immunization programs and vaccination of the population on a large scale have become a commonplace in the era of population-based medicine. Increasingly, people are not only offered free medical care but also are encouraged to look after their mental and social well-being. Introducing health teaching instructions from the early stage of social life helps to enhance the immune system of children. Above-mentioned methods will keep young people from all kinds of addictions like smoking, alcohol, junk food that provoke the risk of acquiring serious diseases in their adult life. So, a government should put emphasis on the individual’s lifestyle and socially right behavior. Also, it should be compulsory for all citizens to go through medical examination once a year. Moreover, it is widely suggested that a government create and improve the fundamental conditions and resources which include accommodation with modern sanitation, adequate food and fresh water as well as high enough standard of living and a stable eco-system for keeping good health.

Taking everything into account, the obvious conclusion could be drawn that fighting against various illnesses is better than taking awful medicine by bringing economic benefit as it is said “A stitch in time saves nine”.





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