University education should be free to everyone, regardless of income. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Исполнитель
University education should be free to everyone, regardless of income. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays, there are heated debates about free education. Some people say that university education should be free though income. As far as I concerned this state bring a lot of benefit to society and people. I totally agree with this statement and I will support my point of view with some reasons and examples in the following paragraphs.
Initially, if all education systems in university are free, this state is very comfortably for all students and their families. As an instance, all families do not spend extra money in order to learn of their children and they may spend this money in order to family requirement. This example clearly shows all families satisfy this state, if university education would be free. Therefore, it is supported that government should organize free education in university.
Secondly, as we have to talk about coming income to government that there are different type of families and many families has been lived in difficult family state and they cannot pay study of children. This example makes it clear that many children don’t learn and they do anything job though good or bad in order to find money. This statement clearly shows the illiteracy rate rise and other problems appear by find money in the county. It is obvious that if government want to multiple problems in society and want decreasing illiteracy, they should shape free education in all university.
As an conclusion, after considering both negative and positive sides of free chargeable education of university. I once more firmly believe that free education system is always useful and comfortably for people and government. Therefore, it is recommended that this process should constituent in all counties and university.