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What could be done to improve the lives of the elderly? Исполнитель

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Nowadays, many elderly people are facing different problems. Instead of enjoying their later life, they are suffering with loneliness, health and financial issues. The following paragraphs will consist of some possible solutions to ease the life of old people.

To prevent loneliness, parents should educate and encourage their children to look after them in their later ages. Furthermore, governments should take the responsibility to organize special caring house for elderly generation. If these measures were taken, as a consequence they would not be alone.

With regard health issues, the responsibility should fall to the government to provide free health care service for old-aged people.  Simultaneously, if they are engaged to different physical gyms or do daily morning exercises, they will never suffer from serious diseases, enjoying their retirement.

One possible way to deal with financial problems would be to provide adequate pension to them for their daily expenses. Furthermore, they should be taught basic financial knowledge so that they use their money effectively. Moreover, if they urged to accumulate some amount of their salaries when they work in banks, they would use it in their retirement period, not becoming dependent on government’s support.

All things considered, there are many attempts can be taken to improve the lives of elderly people.  If governments and individuals were alike to work collaboratively, the elderly people would not suffer from any kinds of problems. Instead, they would please with their later life without any worries about loneliness, finance and health. It is recommended for the new generation to care about their parents so that their children will look after for them.   

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