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Openstudy » IELTS » Writing » Task 2 » People who have original ideas are of much greater value to society than those who are simply able to copy the ideas of others well.

People who have original ideas are of much greater value to society than those who are simply able to copy the ideas of others well. Исполнитель

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People who have original ideas are of much greater value to society than those who are simply able to copy the ideas of others well. To what extend do you agree or disagree with this statement?

 Nowadays, as is observed that the number of people who have unique ideas is decreasing and original ideas are becoming demanding for everywhere. Many people assume that people with uncommon ideas are much more important for society than people who do not have their own ideas and they always attempt to copy others’ ideas. To my way of thinking, I profoundly agree with above-mentioned statement. In the following paragraphs, I will support my opinion by reasons and examples.

 Frist of all, new ideas can make magic and change the world. If person who is full of original and new ideas, he or she will be great benefit for society as they can bring society much profit. Lets us take an example of Steve Jobs. He always used to come with new great ideas and programs, being a unique person. Undoubtedly, the effect of his ideas and imaginations changed the whole world and human’s life became a lot easier than in the past. Therefore, people who have original ideas are great value for every country.

 Second of all, people with uncommon ideas are smarter by comparing to those who only copy others’ ideas. As well as this, wise ideas can solve even more difficult problems such as incurable diseases, violence and traffic jams. For instance, with the help of people’s original ideas, the number of crimes that are usually committed by young people is decreasing significantly. People who copy others ideas do not add any contribution to their countries.  Thus, I think there are huge differences between people who have original ideas and those who know only to copy them.

 In conclusion, governments all around the world should help people to develop their ideas and provide whatever they need.

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