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Censorship is necessary in modern society. Discuss. Исполнитель

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Censorship is necessary in modern society. Discuss.


Nowadays, censorship is causing many debates among people.  Some people support censorship, considering its importance in modern society. However, there are other groups of people who refuse it. The aim of this essay is to discuss both sides of issue from multiple perspectives and to state personal opinion after all.


To begin with, many people share the view that censorship is very essential in our current society as it helps to keep security of the countries. Take Uzbekistan for example, thanks to its censored policy, it has been a tranquil country for many years no matter what is happening outside of its borders. This example makes it clear that in order to provide security, governments apply censorship. Thus, that’s why many people feel the importance of censored society.


However, opponents of censorship argue that it is against the rights of people to access information and causes many misunderstandings and consequences. If a person does not know what is exactly happening around the world, he or she develops misconception and consequently makes wrong decisions about surrounding issues.  Therefore, people should be told original issues without censoring. Considering this, it is agreed that censorship is not necessary in the modern world.


In conclusion, after considering the role of censorship in maintaining the peacefulness of the countries and human rights of knowing, it is agreed by me that censorship is need in certain cases, but not all cases. Therefore, it is recommended that people should be given a right to be informed with the information that does not threaten the other sides. 

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