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Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal of more money than people in other important professions. Some people think that this is fully justified, while others think that it’s unfair. Discuss. Исполнитель

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  1. They deserve what they earn.
  2. Other professions are more important for society. It’s fair.

   Nowadays, many people as sportsmen are succeeding in sports fields, earning much more money than any other important professionals in other industries. Therefore, this trend creates controversial debates among some people over its fairness.  In the following paragraphs, both plus and minus points will be discussed and supported by reasons and examples before giving personal opinion.

On the one hand, professional successful sportsmen deserve the money they earn. In fact, it is not easy to gain a good authority in sport as it requires much hard work and tolerance over the years. Furthermore, there is a high risk to harm the health in sport than in other fields of work. Therefore, it is supported the view that making much money by athletes is fair. 

On the other hand, many people are in favour of the notion that the people who are considered vital in society should be paid more. Let us take an example of doctors who make more efforts in society healing millions of lives. Obviously, they spend much of their life to be doctors and experience hardships like sport people do. That is why they also have the right at least, to earn the amount equal to successful sportsmen’s takings.

All in all, after analyzing both sides of the issue, for all its supportive reasons and there are many, I still consider that sport professionals should be paid less than  the other essential employees who have a great deal of contribution to society.  It would be more justifiable, if governments or authorities paid more attention to socially-important professions.

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