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Демонстрационный сайт » IELTS » Writing » Task 1 » You have received a letter from your English pen friend John who writes
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You have received a letter from your English pen friend John who writes Исполнитель

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You have received a letter from your English pen friend John who writes:

…I do not like reading newspapers or watching news on TV, I think it is really boring and what about you? Do you like reading newspapers or not? Do you often watch TV? What are your favourite programmes?

….next week we are planning to organize a disco at school……

Write back to John answering his questions.

Write three questions to your friend about the disco party.

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Dear John,

Many thanks for your letter.

Well, I partly agree with you as sometimes it is a little bit boring to read newspapers or to watch news on TV. Even though, I like to watch and read news in order to be informed with the current issues happening around the world. But most of all, I prefer watching news on TV rather than reading newspapers. Generally, I watch TV everyday in the evenings. My favourite TV programmes are intellectual shows like, “Who wants to be a millionaire?”and “Wise man”.

It sounds great that you are organizing a disco at your school. On what occasion are you planning it?  Who can participate in it? Can I go to this disco?

I look forward to hearing from your soon.

Best wishes,


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