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You have received a letter from your English pen friend Tina who writes. Исполнитель

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You have received a letter from your English pen friend Tina who writes.

…Do you like all these new gadgets like I-phones? I think some of them are not easy to use, do you agree with me? Do people really need all the functions provided by them?

….My uncle presented me a robot pet

Write back to Tina answering her questions.
Write three questions to your friend about her robot pet.

Dear Tina,

How are you? I’m really happy to hear from you.

Well, as many new gadgets are easing our life, I am pretty passionate about them. However, it seems to me that operating all these high-techs is not so easy for everybody. In fact, they have a variety of functions that we don’t need. If there were some choices to select the functions for the gadgets that we are buying, then they would be more user-friendly and easy to operate.

It’s great news that you are presented a robot pet. I have always wanted to own one. Therefore, please tell me a little bit more about your new robot. What kind of functions does it have? How much does it cost? Where to buy?

I hope your reply will not take long.

Cordially yours,


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