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You have received a letter from your English pen friend Kate who writes. Исполнитель

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You have received a letter from your English pen friend Kate who writes.

…So you see I enjoy active rests that’s why my holidays in New Zealand were fantastic.

What kinds of water sports do you like? Do you prefer playing different games or sunbathing at the beach? Why? Do you like extreme sports? Why or why not?

Write back to Kate answering her/his questions.
Write three questions to your friend about her trip to New Zealand.

My dear Kate,

I am writing with regard to your email. I am so happy to know that you enjoyed your time in New Zealand.

Well, I am really into scuba diving as it is a great chance to discover underwater world. Moreover, I would prefer to experience different games, like football, basketball, swimming, jogging and wrestling so that I can make new friends and become healthier. However, I cannot stand trying extreme games as they are sometimes risky to my health.

By the way, please tell me a little bit about your trip to New Zealand. What kind of cities have you been? What was the most memorable thing during the visit? What about the traditions that they have?

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

With love,

Jon (его имя)

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