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Sports Исполнитель

  • Скачано: 42
  • Размер: 30 Kb


Sports serve a great purpose, helping to bring up a strong and healthy generation of courageous young men and women. Sports teach people how to work together, improve coordination and increase players self confidence.

Our republic pays a great deal of attention to physical education and sports. Hundreds of stadiums, gymnasiums, basketball courts, swimming pools and other facilities have been built all over the country for the millions of people who enjoy sports.

Physical training, sports and games are an important part of the education of our youth. The sports programme for youth sometimes includes boxing, wrestling, swimming, hunting, fishing, running, weightlifting, skating, skiing, cycling and shooting, as well as games like football, volleyball, basket-ball, ice hockey, tennis and badminton.

Numerous sports clubs have fostered dozens of athletes who have achieved great fame in our country. Athletes set many new world records in various sports.

Comprehension Questions

  1. Why are sports good?
  2. What sports facilities are available in this country?
  3. What sports are there?

Discussion Questions

  1. Do you like sports? Why? What do you not like about sports?
  2. What sports facilities are there in your town? Which ones do you use? Do you take sports lessons or play on any teams?
  3. What sports do you want to learn?
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