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Map-Riverside town from 1970 to 2010 Исполнитель

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The maps below show the changes experienced by Riverside town from 1970 to 2010.


The two given maps show the developments which took place in Riverside Town between 1970 and 2009.

It is clearly seen from the maps that the central business district was expended for a period of 39 years. In the north-western side of the central business district, a new residential housing area was put up. Meanwhile, in the north-easternmost tip of the map, underdeveloped land was demolished to make way for luxury residential housing area and airport. Another significant development was the construction of golf course in the east part of the town. To make near the destination, a new triangle-shaped high speed railroad, crossing the central business district and connecting the new residential housing area and golf course was introduced. However, residential housing area and recreation area in the south-western corner stayed unchanged for the given period.

Overall, the comparison of two maps reveals a change from a small town to a developed city.

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