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The two maps below show an island, before and after the construction Исполнитель

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The two maps below show an island, before and after the construction of some tourist facilities

The two maps show the developments which an island experienced before and after erecting some tourist facilities.

The beach used to be on the western coast of the island was transformed into a swimming beach. Two circular sets of accommodations connecting by a stretch of footpath with each other were put up in the central and south-western parts of the island. Between these two living areas to serve for tourists, a new restaurant and reception were constructed. Another footpath joining the beach and western set of residential area was built. Furthermore, surrounding the reception and connecting the restaurant and the pier built on the southern seaside, a vehicle track was introduced. Thanks to the constructed pier, a regular sailing of ships was implemented. However, the north-eastern area of the island did not see any changes, remaining untouched.

Overall, a comparison of the two maps reveals a change from a neglected island to an attractive tourist resort. 

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