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Демонстрационный сайт » IELTS » Writing » Task 1 » The diagrams below show the development of a small fishing village and its surrounding area into a large European tourist resort
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The diagrams below show the development of a small fishing village and its surrounding area into a large European tourist resort Исполнитель

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The maps show the developments which small fishing village experienced over a period of 30 years between 1974 and 2004.


In 1974, there were a big number of trees, harbor and semi-detached houses in the village, but for the following 30 years the village experienced dramatic changes.

The first noticeable thing is that woodland on the northern area of the village was cut down to build golf course. On the southern part of the golf course, hotels and accommodation were constructed for tourists. Moreover, at the seaside, harbors and boats station were destroyed to make room for the beach.  A big farmland of the village producing fruits and vegetables was built for hotels. Basically, the big and vast road was put up between block of flats and houses in the west side of the village. In 2004, the fishing village replaced with original village to make houses for locals. Thanks to developments, the population of small fishing village changed from 12000 people in 1974 to 80000 and extra 50000 touristic beds in 2004.   

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