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The two maps below show an island, before and after the construction of some tourist facilities. Исполнитель

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The maps illustrate the transformation occuring in the same island before and after the renovation for tourism.

Before the construction in the island there were some trees and a beach in the westernmost tip.

Moving on to the second map, it can be seen that lots of buildings were erected and used as accommodation. There are two areas of accommodation and between them there is a restaurant in the north and a central reception block surrounded by a vehicle truck which goes down to the Pier in the south sea. Furthermore, tourists can swim near the beach in the westernmost tip. A footpath is connected to the both accommodation areas and the footpath which is connected to the western accommodation units leads to the beach.

Overall, a comparison of the two maps reveals significant changes after the development and on account of this renovation the island has become a good place for tourism.



The maps depict the developments which an island experienced before the introduction of some tourist facilities.

         There were many trees in the easternmost tip, whereas a few trees and a beach were in the westernmost extremity of the island before the renovation.

         It is clearly seen that after the construction, a number of shelters were erected in the center and western part on the island and used as accommodations for tourists. Between these shelters there is a restaurant and a central reception block surrounded by vehicle track that link the restaurant in the north with the Pier in the south. After the renovation, tourists had a chance to enjoy a swimming beach in the western tip, connected to the accommodation units with footpath. However, there was not any alteration in the easternmost extremity of the island.

         Overall, a comparison of the two maps reveals a noticeable change after the construction of some touristic facilities in this area. Thanks to the renovation, the island was converted into a good place for tourism.


The maps illustrate the developments which took place in an island before and after the construction of tourist facilities.

As is clearly seen from the maps that a lots of construction work was made in the island. In particular, the beach used to be in the western coast was turned into swimming beach. In the middle of the island, two complexes of accommodation in a circular shape were put up. All houses in the complexes were connected with each other by footpath. Furthermore, a straight footpath was introduced to connect swimming beach with the closest residential area.  Between two residential areas a new reception and restaurant were built to serve for the tourists. A new stretch of vehicle track connecting restaurant, reception and the pier locating in the southern seaside was constructed running directly south. Eastern parts of the island stayed untouched to keep the nature in the area.

Overall, a comparison of the two maps reveals a change from a wild island to a tourist resort.


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