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Демонстрационный сайт » IELTS » Writing » Task 1 » The diagrams below show changes to one university campus between 1985 and the present day.
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The diagrams below show changes to one university campus between 1985 and the present day. Исполнитель

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The maps show developments which one university campus experienced over a period of 30 years from 1985 to the present day (=until present time).

The library in the north-western tip of the map was enlarged to the south, becoming Library and IT Centre in 30 year-time. Physics and Chemistry Blocks were demolished to make a room for a big new Science Laboratories.  In the south-eastern side of this building, in place of car park, circular shaped Lecture Theatre was erected. Around these buildings many trees were planted, knocking down Biology Block. North-eastern side of the campus, including Science Laboratories and Lecture Theatre were dedicated to scientific zone.

Car park located in the south-western corner was replaced by a smaller Shuttle Bus Terminal. On the right side of Car Park, Admin Building became much smaller to make way for planting trees surroundings. All roads were cleared and the buildings were linked with each other by footpaths.

Overall, a university campus saw dramatic changes, becoming a more nature friendly and modern campus.

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