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New Zealand Исполнитель

New Zealand
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New Zealand

New Zealand, an independent state and a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, is situated southeast of Australia. The country consists of two large islands, North Island and South Island, and many small islands.

New Zealand is a mountainous country. The mountains run from southwest to northeast throughout both the larger islands. The Southern Alps, the Zealand highest New Zealand mountains, lie near the west coast of South Island.

The mountains on North Island are not as high and are mostly forest-covered. The central part of North Island is a high volcanic plateau. There are many lakes in this part of the island. New Zealand’s rivers are short.

The climate in New Zealand is warm and the greater part of the country is well watered. The north of North Island is subtropical but not too hot. The east and north of both islands have a lot of sunny days, but much rain falls on the west coast.

Most of North Island and the southwest of South Island have good forests of evergreen trees and large areas are rich grasslands.

New Zealand has very few native animals. The kiwi, a bird which lives in the forest and does not fly, is found nowhere else in the world. The kiwi is in the national emblem of New Zealand.

The population of New Zealand is over 3 million people, more than three quarters of them live on North Island. About 50 percent live in the four cities of Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin.

The Maori people make up 11 percent of the total New Zealand population. The Maori are the descendents of the people who lived in New Zealand before the Europeans came. The Maori are famous for their folk songs, music and dances. They are very skilled in woodworking.

Many Maori people occupy important positions in the government and public life of New Zealand.

However, the country is still trying to solve problems in Maori education, housing, employment and property rights.

New Zealand is a self-governing state and a member of the Commonwealth. The governor general represents the king or queen of England. The Parliament of the country consists of one house only, the House of Representatives. The Prime Minister heads the cabinet. The main political parties are the Labour Party and the National Party of New Zealand.

Comprehension Questions

  1. What are the main islands of New Zealand?
  2. What are the main geographical features of New Zealand?
  3. What is the most famous animal from New Zealand?
  4. Where do most New Zealanders live?
  5. Who are the Maori?

Discussion Questions

  1. How does the population of New Zealand compare with that of Uzbekistan? How do you think that affects life there?
  2. Would you like to visit New Zealand? Why?
  3. What animal would you choose to represent Uzbekistan Why?
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