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A seaside place you like to visit. Исполнитель

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A seaside place you like to visit.

You should say:

Where it is

What you like about it

What you do there

Who you go there with

and explain why you like to visit it


The seaside place I like most to visit is Sanya. I've dreamed of visiting it

since last summer. Several friends of mine invited me to travel to it but I

failed to go there because of some emergency.

Before last summer holiday, several friends planed to visit Sanya, a

famous tourist city in Hainan province, and they invited me to go, too. For

Sanya boasts the best white-sand beach and blue sea water in Asia. We

collected the travelling tips on net, and went shopping together for the

swimming clothes and sun cream with pleasant expectation for the trip.

I was almost prepared to set off when my sister broke her leg by accident

and I was the only person who was free to take care of her for long time, so I

had to give up the previous plan. After they returned, my friends showed me

the photos they had taken there and gave me a vivid account of their travel,

making me more eager to visit Sanya than before. I planned to go there this

summer holiday, and my sister decided to accompany me. The first day I

arrive there, I think I would go to Yalong Beach, which is one of the most

popular tourist attractions owing to the easy access to its wide and long

beach. Then I would spend the following days enjoying the beach, the

sunshine and the sea slowly. I would do some shopping, taste some special

local foods, and go to some pubs to have a drink as well.

I'm looking forward to visiting Sanya, my favorite seaside place. It is

irreplaceable in my mind.


Gulangyu, a famous touristy island, is a place I long for to visit for a

couple of years. Separated from Xiamen City by 500-meter wide waters,

Gulangyu is an ideal place for vacation and there are a lot to see and do any

time in a year.

In history, the island had been invaded for several times and various

architecture buildings from foreign countries were built and well-reserved

there, bringing it the nickname 'World Architecture Expo'. Besides, it's also called 'an island in the sea' for its year-round warm climate, fantastic scenery

and beautiful surrounding.

Last summer, my brother with the family of my cousin's made a

self-drivingvisit there. During their 4-day staying there, they took many

wonderful photos, which made me rather regretful for not being able to go

with them. On one picture of my brother driving a bamboo draft, the clean

water and green plant can be seen, which is rather attractive. On another, my

cousin wearing a long dress and a hat against the sea with the wind blowing,

it makes me feel the soft wind there. There are lots more photos with them

playing in the water, which they say is very cool and comfortable. Besides,

they spent two days on the shopping street there, and they were offered, for

free, brochures with all the shops there, briefing the characteristic of each

shop. Children are encouraged to get a stamp when they visit a shop, if they

get all the stamps, it's said, they will be given special souvenirs. However,

there are so many shops, and people seldom have enough time to visit all the

shops, and my brother suggests having another trip there to get it finished.

I will surely make a visit there in near future.

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