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Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations by providing such things as food and education? Исполнитель

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Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations by providing such things as food and education? Or is it the responsibility of the governments of poorer nations to look after their citizens themselves?

         One of the most common facts today is that the gap between the richest and poorest nations of the world is widening significantly. There are many people arguing on the issue of whether wealthy nations should help their poorer counterparts by providing humanitarian support such as food and education or third world countries’ governments should be responsible to care about their citizens themselves. It’s agreed that wealthy countries should support the poor countries as they are also benefit from this collaboration by discovering new markets and work force for themselves.

Firstly, by helping poor countries, rich countries can set up a good relationship which in turn, can create new opportunities to enter their markets where the rich can sell their products and services. As an example, the USA helped the Arab emirates rendering humanitarian and financial support and gained a large deal of benefit from their oil resources. Thus, rich countries should support poorer nations in considering indirect benefit of discovering new markets for themselves.

Secondly, another major benefit for wealthy nations by helping poorer nations is to enlarge their work force market. For instance, several decades ago most European countries tried to render more help to poor African nations, by educating their children and further these educated children became skilful specialists for the rich’s economies. By this example it’s clear that the contribution of wealthy nations to the education systems of poorer nations can bring more benefit to fill workforce market of their countries too. So, it’s encouraged well-off countries to support the badly-off ones.

Taking everything into account, rich nations should be responsible to share their wealth with poor nations as this can bring indirect benefits for their economies in the form of new market and skilful workforce. As there are strong links among all countries, this belief will continue in the future widely.

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