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Rich countries should allow jobs for skilled and knowledgeable employees who are from poor countries. Do you agree or disagree? Исполнитель

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Rich countries should allow jobs for skilled and knowledgeable employees who are from poor countries. Do you agree or disagree?


It’s beneficial for rich countries.

It strengthens relations among nations.


Nowadays, more and more skilled and knowledgeable workers are evolving from third world countries. This trend is creating controversial debates whether these employees should be allowed by rich countries to work there. To my way of thinking, I support this point of view as there are more benefits for both countries as well as for individuals. In the following paragraphs, I will state some reasons with examples.

To start with, it is believed by many that employing professional and knowledgeable workers has a great deal of positives for well-off countries. The USA is a good example of using skilled and knowledgeable employees coming from third world. There is no doubt how the USA has become so successful thanks to intelligent migrants. Therefore, considering their potential contribution, developed countries ought to employ qualified and intelligent workers from developing world.

Secondly, welcoming professional workers helps to strengthen mutual relations between well-off and badly-off nations. In fact, these professionals once come back their home countries and are promoted working for government. Then, they could be a key contact to set up good ties with their rich counterparts. This example makes it clear that employing skilled and knowledgeable workers brings more merits for both native and host nations.

To sum up, considering benefits of permitting skilled and knowledgeable employees to work in rich countries, I am inclined to believe that well-off nations should allow them to work in their land. For this reason, all countries should collaborate to ease the procedure of applying for jobs to skilled and knowledgeable workers in the developed world.


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