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In some countries, the average weight of people is increasing and their level of health and fitness is decreasing. Исполнитель

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In some countries, the average weight of people is increasing and their level of health and fitness is decreasing.

What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


The  21st  is   remarkable    for   discoveries    that  have facilitated   our  life.   These   improvements, however,    have   a huge amount  of  damage    in  case  of   misuse.  One   of  them   is  a dramatic   increase    in  the  number    of  overweight   people  in   most    developed    countries.  In  the   following    paragraphs   I`ll    analyze   the   sources   of  problems  and  give   some    potential   solutions.

     Nowadays,  it  is  not   secret  that   people   do   few   things, if  any,  without    the   help  of     technology.  We  have    gadgets    that   control   TV, lamps, air   conditioner, car  and   so   forth. they   enable  us   to  do  less   physical   activities   in  our    daily  life.  As  well  as  this,  public  transport   system   doesn`t   allow  us   to   wait  or  walk   more  than  we  want.   For instance,  there  are   numerous    door-to-door    services   ranging   from     taxi  to   food  delivery.   All   above- mentioned  facilities  and  hi-techs    lead  to    less    active   lifestyle   which, in  turn,   is  main  culprit  of   obesity.  Introduction   of    devices    that    require    more   physical  effort   and  putting    emphasis  on  cycling    in  terms  of   transition  are  possible   solutions   to  this  issue. 

       In  addition  to  this,   wide- spread    GM  foods  are   contaminating    people`s    organisms   causing   to   obesity.  Fast  foods  are  cheap    and   available   everywhere  but  they    consist  of   excessive    proportion   of   calorie.   Unfortunately,   governments   pay  less   attention    to  this  global  problem.  US, for  example,   pour  billions  of  dollars   into space   explorations  and  productions   of  weapons   while   having    the   most  overweight   population   in  the  world.   It  would  be    better   if  governments    prioritize   to  solve   the  problem    of  obesity.

      To  sum  up,  it  is  my   view   that  an increase  in  the  number   of   overweight   people    is  one  of  the     most  wide- spread    issues   and   must  be   solved    collaboratively   with  individuals  and   governments.

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