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The advance of science and technology has a significant impact on people, but the role of artists is also important, such as musicians, painters and writers. Исполнитель

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The advance of science and technology has a significant impact on people, but the role of artists is also important, such as musicians, painters and writers. What can the arts tell us about life that science can not?

Art is a source of entertaining

It provides diversity among nations/culture

Strengthen mutual relations between nations 


In today’s world, many people acknowledge the importance of science and technology on our life. However, the art has also an essential role which cannot be denied in the development of society. In the following paragraphs I will state some of them that are unique only for the art.

First of all, art is the main source of entertainment which cannot be achieved with science.  Let us take an example of music. In fact, it is considered as a panacea to raise people’s mood, relieving stress and depression. Once people are worn out or exhausted, it is even recommended by doctors to listen to music as a way of relaxation. This example clearly shows that different forms of art unlikely, science and technology can play an irreplaceable role in entertaining people.

Secondly, being an integral part of culture, art caters for divergence between nations. As science and technology is common all over the world, art is unique in any part of the world. Literature is a case in point, being various considering backgrounds and lifestyles of every nation. This diversity is vital because it evokes curiosity among nations, contributing to the development of tourism. Moreover, it is a main topic for many international events and gatherings that are crucial to melt up international tensions and to strengthen mutual relations among countries around the world. This is alternative example that makes art different from science and technology.

In the light of aforementioned facts, one can conclude that not denying the essence of science and technology, art can also play a vital role in our life. Considering this importance, authorities and individuals should give an equal attention to both art and science.

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