The only way to cut crime is to make punishment more severe Исполнитель
Nowadays, society has different issues, which pose badness to humanity. And one of these kinds of problems is crime. Authorities try to find the right punishment in order to cut it. Many people said that "if crime is more serious, prison is the most common capital punishment", while others note " Nobody has right to take another human life". And below we will discuss both sides of the view.
Crime is a thing that have always existed and it is not going anywhere. But now, crime has even become a sort of business called organized crime. And many believed that it is time to make punishment more severe for minor crimes. Thus offenders cannot pose a threat to others. They believe that fear of the death penalty stops people from committing offences. After analyzing this point of view, it is clearly why people think like this.
On the other hand, many saw on this problem from religious side and said " Nobody has right to take another human life". They trust that offenders are people with psychological shortages and killing them is a sin.
It is supported and refuted by many. Thus, the opinion that offenders have to be punished more severely cannot be supported. Instead of it, it's suggested to transport them to a medical-psychiatric hospitals, where they can be kept in human conditions and experience the strength of normality.