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Openstudy » IELTS » Writing » Task 2 » Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase.

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Исполнитель

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Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Nowadays, for many crimes, the death penalty is being experienced as it is considered an important panacea to regulate violence in the world which threatens our live. I agree up to a point with this statement, and in the following paragraphs my point of view will be supported from multiple perspectives.

On the one hand, if the death penalty is available everywhere, people may stop committing offence thinking its consequences, and. In China, for instance, where the death penalty is widely practiced, the number of criminals is comparably fewer than the other countries where it does not exist. This example makes it clear how capital punishment could be an effective solution for criminals, urging them not to commit illegal actions. Considering the outcomes of capital punishment, it is therefore supported to practice the death penalty widely in order to combat against crime in society.

On the other hand, human life is a divine gift given by God and no one has a right to take it without permission. Furthermore, it is immoral to the prosperity of human beings. By exploiting the death penalty, governments commit crime as well, being a role of model for other criminals. Taking everything into account, this method of punishment cannot be a fair solution for problems related to the violence. Thus, it is partly agreed with capital punishment practices.

In conclusion, after analyzing the both positive and negative results of practicing capital punishment to stabilize violence in society, once more it is partially agreed by me. It is recommended that long life sentence would be an alternative solution in order to keep our community secure.  

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