Without capital punishment our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Исполнитель
Opinion essay:
Without capital punishment our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society. (Topic sentence)
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
- Introduction
- Background sentence
Nowadays, for many crimes, death penalty is being experienced…
- Detail background sentence (paraphrasing topic sentence)
…as it is considered an important panacea to control violence in the world which threatens our live.
- Thesis
I agree up to a point with this statement. (From my point of view, this statement is partially right.)
- Outline
In the following paragraphs I will support my point of view from multiple perspectives.
(Because death penalty could be a lesson for others and on the other hand it is unfair to take one’s life.)
- Supporting Paragraph 1
- Paragraphs sentence 1
On the one hand, people may stop committing crime thinking its consequences and therefore it can be a good lesson for others.
- Example
For example, in China where death penalty is widely experienced, the number of criminals is comparably fewer than the other countries where it doesn’t exist.
- Discussion (example+ paragraph sentence 1)
This example makes it clear how capital punishment could be an effective lesson for others, urging them not to commit crime.
- Conclusion (paragraph sentence 1 + thesis)
Considering the outcomes of capital punishment, it is therefore supported to practise widely death penalty to combat with crime in society.
- Supporting paragraph 2
On the other hand, human life is a divine gift given by God, no one has a right to take it. Furthermore, it is immoral to the prosperity of human beings. By exploiting death penalty, governments also commit crime, being a model for other criminals. As regard to this, this method of punishment cannot be a fair solution of problems related to violence. Thus, it is partly agreed with capital punishment practices.
- Summary
- Conclusion (paragraph 1 and paragraph 2)
After analyzing both positive and negative results of practising capital punishment to stabilize violence in society,…
- Restatement of thesis
…once more it is partially agreed by me.
- Recommendation or prediction
It is recommended that in comply with common human values, to keep our secure, long life sentences would be an alternative solution.