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Openstudy » IELTS » Writing » Task 2 » The only way to cut crime in our country is to make punishment more severe

The only way to cut crime in our country is to make punishment more severe Исполнитель

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Nowadays, crime is becoming one of the main issues for many countries. Therefore, some people suggest making punishment more severe is the only way to combat with crime. However, it seems to me there many other alternatives that work better for decreasing crime level throughout the country.

First and foremost, creating new job opportunities that can employ unemployed people could be preventive tool against spreading crime. As many people are employed, crime level decreases accordingly. For example, in Singapore where unemployment is least in the world, crime is not issue. This example makes it clear how it is important to provide people with job in dealing with crime.

But some people consider severe punishments like even capital punishment are the only solution combating with crime. Maybe, somehow this option helps to decrease it, but it cannot dry the crime out of the country if there is still unemployment. Let’s imagine the condition of the person who has nothing to do to provide his family. Any kind of punishment will not stop him, if his family starving from hunger. Therefore, it is not supported that tough punishment is the only solution of the problem.

In conclusion, it is my belief that there are many more alternative ways to deal with crime in the country. It is recommended that officials should consider these ways of solution.

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