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Even though developing countries receive financial aid, poverty is still a problem. Исполнитель

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Even though developing countries receive financial aid, poverty is still a problem. Some people believe that in order to eliminate poverty in developing countries other forms of aid are needed .
To what extent do you agree or disagree? And suggest what other form of aid could be offered.

One of the alarming issues in the 21st century is penury among developing countries. Receiving financial assistance notwithstanding, grinding poverty is not being alleviated in these countries. In my view, other forms of aid such as developing education and industry should be utilized instead of taking only financial support so as to improve an impecunious image of these countries.

   As money is short- term solution it cannot eliminate grinding poverty. By receiving only money, governments of poor countries can provide food and drinks. However, it cannot be sufficient for a huge number of underprivileged population. Therefore, it is considered as a feeble way.

It would be possible to get rid of indigence if poor countries took aid in terms of advancing education. Erecting more schools, colleges and so on is a case in point. By imparting knowledge to the poor nation, illiteracy rate would be decreased significantly. As a consequence, they would know themselves how to eliminate indigence after being literate.

   Another long-term succour is that rich countries ought to promote industry in poor countries. Needless to say, there is profit in both sides, providing human needs and creating new work places in purpose of developing manufacture and constructing more factories. And meanwhile consequences would be positive, to avoid starving by manufacturing refreshments and to improve down-at-heel appearance of the nation. Moreover, impoverished people could own better living standards and could make a living for themselves as a result of long-term improvements in industry.

    As outlined above, alternative forms of aid other than money would be workable cure for impoverished nation in that financial assistance could not be long-term solution. If these suggested forms of succour are put into practise in poor countries it would give affirmative results in due course. 

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