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In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. Исполнитель

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In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing.

What problems will this cause for individuals and society? suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing populations.

Nowadays, thanks to higher living standards and medical advancements, people especially in developed countries are living much longer than ever before. Consequently, this development is causing many problems for both individuals and society. In the following paragraphs some of the issues will be outlined with possible solutions.

One of the effects of the issue is unemployment in the country. As average life expectancy increases, the age of retirement prolongs simultaneously. In turn, job positions in companies will not be easily accessible for young personnel, posing unemployment among them. One possible solution to deal with this problem is introducing a new pension policy which controls retirement age. Furthermore, if governments offered some tax benefits for the companies who employ young workers, it would ease the situation.

Another headache of the complication is bringing about many outgoings for the social care of the elderly generation. With the ever-increasing number of aged people, authorities have to spend daunting expenditures on nursing homes and the society is facing other troubles. In order to tackle this issue, governments and individuals should corporate to look after the ageing populations. Measures should be taken to encourage the youth to care of their old parents.

All in all, these are some of many issues coming from ageing population and possible remedies to overcome it. The outcomes would be better if the suggested cures were put into practice. Otherwise, the consequences of the increasing span of people may provoke other inevitable difficulties for the society as well as individuals.

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