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In recent years, some countries have experienced very rapid economic development. This has resulted in much higher standards of living in urban areas, but not in the countryside. Исполнитель

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In recent years, some countries have experienced very rapid economic development. This has resulted in much higher standards of living in urban areas, but not in the countryside. This situation may bring some problems for the country as a whole. What are these problems? How might be they reduced?


Introduction part by different students

(Sherzod) Nowadays, there have been fast economic developments in some parts of the world. As a result, the living standards of urban population have been better improved. However, this development has been an exception for rural communities. This progress may bring about problems, such as wealth gap and unemployment by areas for the whole country. To tackle these issues, attempts must be taken on creating good business environment and introducing tax benefits in the countryside areas.

(Komil) Nowadays, many countries have experienced rapidly changes in their economy developments. Especially, it is seen in the improvements of living standards in cities rather than in rural areas. As a result, it causes different kinds of problems, such as wealth gap and crime. To tackle these issues, government should build business centres and other organisations in the countryside in order to attract business people to these areas.

(Muhandis) Some countries have seen very quick economic progress. As a result, this aspect has much more effected only to cities than to rural places. This situation may bring severe problems, such as unemployment and violence for the whole county. (To deal with these problems) To address these issues, governments should implement good business environment and tax benefits to encourage their business inhabitants. 

 (Rustik)Some countries have seen quick economic developments  in the last decades. This brings about much higher  living standards in  cities but not in villages. We might give two reasons and solutions to this issue. The first matter is there is not high technique or comfortables in the villages. Then, the second problem used to regard to the population in the country. Unquestionable, these issues bring about to be migrant and poor moral of the villages population. Also for settle that issue goverment need to aid to increase community science.

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