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What could be done to improve the lives of elderly? Исполнитель

What could be done to improve the lives of elderly
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What could be done to improve the lives of elderly?

-supplying free medical healthcare

-increasing pension

- organizing entertaining activities for the elderly

Nowadays our older generations are facing numerous problems in their later period of lives instead of enjoying anility. The problems range from small financial issues to serious health concerns. The aim of this essay is to offer some solutions on ways to deal with this issue.

Many people share the view that the root cause of the problem goes back to the medical treatment. As people get older, different health issues arise and in addition to this, their financial situation worsens, making them vulnerable to access to healthcare. If measures on ways to provide free medical treatment were taken, the lives of older people would be more pleasant and joyful.

Furthermore, because of their age and physical ability, they feel isolated and needless in society. Besides this, their children are quite busy with their daily activities, forgetting to care their parents. To make older generation’s life more colorful and eventful, one possible remedy is to organize entertaining activities, such as travelling, doing gyms or dancing for them. These types of activities help the elderly unwind their rest of lives.

To draw a conclusion, if a government and individuals were alike to cooperate to provide happy life for old people, establishing free medical service and entertaining places, the outcomes would be more positive. Consequently, average longevity will increase.

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