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Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems. Исполнитель

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Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems.

Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals can tackle these problems.

 There is no doubt that overpopulation is rising with a high pace all around the world. Unfortunately, this development brings about harmful aspects for society. Moreover, living in urban areas becomes harder for local people. In this essay i will consider the problems of overpopulation and try to put forward some possible solutions.

 One of the main negative side of this issue is that if the population of urban areas rises, lack of job places will occur. Thereby, opportunity of working for young people disappears and life turns into tough competition. Some possible remedy in order to combat with the problem of overpopulation is that governments have to limit to havea child. For example, young family should include up to 3 children. By doing so, the negative impacts of overpopulation will be decreased.

 Second harmful effects of overpopulation is that moving from one destination to another becomes diffucult. Alternatively, it creates huge traffic james for vehicle that complicates out movements. For instance, every day in order to get to tennis club I spent my time on standing in a long-distance stopper.  Another possible solution so that deal with this issue is that individuals have to use bicycles or bikes. It might solve the problem on the streets and people will be healthier.

 In conclusion, this solutions could be a key in this situation. In general, the gist of this words is that goverenments and individuals have to take some steps to minimize the overpopulation. In future, if some solutions are not created, consequence will be fatal for human life.

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