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Демонстрационный сайт » IELTS » Writing » Task 2 » Should arts-related entertainment venues such as museums and art galleries be free of charge for the general public, or should a charge apply for admittance. Discus this issue and give your opinion.
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Should arts-related entertainment venues such as museums and art galleries be free of charge for the general public, or should a charge apply for admittance. Discus this issue and give your opinion. Исполнитель

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As historically, art-related entertaining industries have been playing a crucial role in the well-being of humanity, there have always been some counter-arguments whether access to these entertainment places like, museums or art galleries should be free or not  for the public. In the following paragraphs, both sides of this issue will be addressed in detail before giving personal point of view.

On the one hand, considering long-term benefits of visiting art-related venues to the nation, every person no matter what their background is should have free access to them. One positive merit of this opportunity for all is that it helps to sharpen the horizons of visitors and urge their creativity except enjoying their leisure time. In turn, these inspired people spread positive mood in the society which the governments want to achieve to keep peace and prosperity in the country. Considering these plus points, museums and art-galleries should not charge any penny from their visitors.

However, on the other hand, not relying on governments’ donations, art-related entertainment places should have their own source of income which is mainly gathered from charge fees to offer better services and facilities. Let us take an example of certain museums which serve for free. They are always poor in condition waiting for charities to enhance their facilities. If they charged some money from visitors, they would be more attractive places with their appearance, showpieces and services. This is why many people do not support the view that art venues should be free of charge.

After weighing up both sides of the argument, it is my feeling that art-related recreational venues ought to withdraw some amount of money from visitors to improve their conditions and facilities.  

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