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According to those in the travel business, the nature of average ‘holiday’ is changing... Исполнитель

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According to those in the travel business, the nature of average ‘holiday’ is changing. Rather than seeking a relaxing break in a far-way place, people now want excitement on their holiday and are keen to participate in unusual and challenging activities. Do you agree and disagree?


Nowadays, as is observed that the way of having holiday and relaxing is changing. It is believed by many that the number of people who want to conduct some exciting games and challenges in their holidays is increasing and seeking quite places for holiday is becoming old. To my way of thinking, I partly agree with above-mentioned statement. In the following paragraphs, I will support my opinion by examples and reasons.

 First of all, there is no hesitation that today’s people prefer some interesting activities and new experiments on their holidays. Personally I think that it is positive improvement. Because when person tries to take part of in some sport activities such as football, swimming and tennis on his or her holiday, that person will improve his or her health and follow well-balanced life style. In addition to this, unfamiliar experiments and challenging activities that people have never tried before help them to take all their stresses away and relax. Thus, I believe that this new way of having holiday is excellent decision to be healthy and at the same time to have a good holiday.

 On the other hand, we still have other group of people who always search piece places on their holidays that are far away from noisy towns. This old method of having holiday is also important, interesting and relaxing. Lets us take an example. I have my brother who always goes far away from the city in order to have a nice holiday. My brother claims that sitting in front of nature and taking fresh air are the best refreshers for his mind.Therefore, I think that many people still love being in nature on their holiday.

 In conclusion, to my way of thinking, old and new methods of holidays have their own followers.


Well done! average score: 7

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