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Some people believe that children’s leisure activities must be educational, otherwise they are a complete waste of time... Исполнитель

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Some people believe that children’s leisure activities must be educational, otherwise they are a complete waste of time. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your experience. 


 Nowadays, as is observed that leisure activities are widely spreading and becoming attractive for myriad children all around the globe. However there are a group of people who are convinced that children’s leisure activities should be directed to education. In my opinion, I partly agree with above-mentioned statement. In the following paragraphs, I will open up my opinion by examples and reasons.

 First of all, it is extremely essential to swap children’s leisure activities to educational way as it helps them to expand their knowledge. Undoubtedly, children have a huge number of leisure hours and if these hours are spent on studying, they will transform into an A student that can lead them to bright future. For example, when I was a schoolboy, my friend Firdavs was obsessed with leisure activities such as playing football, swimming, cycling and surfing, spending most of his valuable time on them. With the passing of time, he lagged behind his peers. This example makes it clear that overpaying attention to leisure activities is hazardous for children’s growing up and education. Therefore, I believe that children’s most spending hours on leisure activities should be educational.

 On the other hand, leisure activities play one of the most important roles in children’s life as well. Because there is no secret that education is becoming tough for everyone day by day and children are in need of having rest. In that case, leisure activities help children to take all their stresses away and be relaxed. In addition to this, leisure activities encourage them to follow well-balanced life style and enhance their physical endurance. Let us take an example. According to statistics, A child who regularly takes part in some leisure activities is much healthier and stronger than the other child who is not familiar with activities. Thus, I think leisure activities’ role in children’s life is also crucial.

 In conclusion, I believe that parents should create daily schedule for their children and children’s leisure activities and education should be balanced, as they are both important for children.  


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