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The idea of having a single career is becoming an old fashioned one... Исполнитель

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The idea of having a single career is becoming an old fashioned one. The new fashion will be to have several careers and ways of earning money and further education will be something that continues throughout life. What is your opinion?



More interesting life style

In order to keep up with the world trends.


There are heated debates over having a career in today’s world. It is said that having a single career is now out of date replacing with my multi careers. Some people believe that life-long education and different ways of making money will be common in future. From my point of view, it is something that comes true. In the following paragraphs I will support my point of view with relevant examples.

It is becoming a fashion that more and more people are choosing several careers. In fact, there are some undeniable reasons. One thing is certain that having several careers makes our life more colourful and pleasurable. Moreover, multitasking is a good opportunity to make much money and to experiment oneself in different spheres so that a person can choose their dream jobs. Considering these benefits there is no doubt that people will work in several jobs in future.

As the world is changing with high pace, there is a demand to study lifelong and to find new ways of making money. If people do not follow these trends, they fall behind, suffering from finance. This is rooted in the fact that everyday new technologies come across and competition is becoming much tougher among companies and therefore they require their staff to study further during their course of work. Not to lose their work and to support their families, workers and individuals will have to study and experience different ways of earning in the course of their whole life.

As outlined above, one can reach a conclusion that having a several careers will be widespread and lifelong study will always be in demand in future. Therefore, it is recommended that people should path the foundation to gain the skills required to be competitive from their childhood.



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