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It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport or music, and others are not... Исполнитель

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It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician.

Discus both these views and give your own opinion.



Sample answer:

It is very important to have a good profession like, sportsman or musician in this competitive world. Some say that people should have special talents for a good job. However, opponents claim that it is not so important to have innate talent to be a professional sportsman or musician. They can learn any skills in life. Both opinions have their arguments and it is worth to discuss them before giving my personal point of view.

To start with, it is widely believed that talent is very crucial to achieve success in something. There are many successful people in the world who are born with innate talents. Let us take an example of Beethoven, who was a famous composition because of his in-born talent. This example makes it clear how it is important to be talented in a chosen sphere. Therefore, having certain talents is the key of success in career.

However, some people support the view that without particular talent, anybody can be taught to be professional in their chosen area. In fact, successful personas like, Al Pachino, Jecki Chan and Da Vinci were not gifted at all. But, thanks to their efforts and practice they have been famous. It is obvious when looking at this example that being gifted is not always necessary. Instead, people can succeed in everything being taught.

Taking everything into account, the obvious conclusion could be drawn that even being talented is an asset, it is not always necessary for individuals to achieve success in their future career. It is my belief that people should work hard no matter they have talents so that achieve something in life.

Sample answer:

The world has many people with talents. Some experts think that some people are born with certain talents to be sportsmen. However, others claim that every person can be a good sportsman with practice and hardworking. To my way of thinking, I will discuss both views and give my opinion. In the following paragraphs, I will support my opinion.

To start with, many people think that some famous singers were born with certain talents. Instead, some people with talents can be taught as a good sports or musician. For instance, Beatles group was the best group in the world, because the guys were born with certain talents. It is obvious that the talents are born. Nobody knows who has talent. But now more TV programs start about who has certain talent. The TV programs discover new superman or superwoman who has valuable talent.

On the other hand, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good musician person or actor.

 In my opinion, we research new people with valuable talent. It is predicted that in the future many people research their own rare talents.


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