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A person’s worth nowadays seems to be judged according to social status and material possessions. Исполнитель

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A person’s worth nowadays seems to be judged according to social status and material possessions. Old-fashioned values, such as honour, kindness, and trust lo longer seem important. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.

Chet tillari o`qituvchilarining oylik maoshiga ustama haq belgilash uchun test sinovidan namunaviy savol va javob (2017 yil, may)

Nowadays, so-called materialistic development, people are judging each other regarding their social status and material possessions.  The view shared by many that our traditional values, like honour, trust and kindness are respected any more. However, I partly agree with this statement. In the following paragraphs I will support my point of view with some reasons and examples.

To begin with, it is true that as our world is becoming more materialistic, people’s social status and their wealth are playing a crucial role in their worthiness. This is mainly because for many, these two things solve many problems and therefore they appreciate others according to their status quo and wealth. So, this is why it is agreed with the topic statement.

However, on the other hand, our life-long values still have their importance as they maintain mutual relationships of people and by this, the whole world. It is indispensable fact that no matter people social status or material positions are, without trust, honour and kindness, their respects cannot be fulfilled. Considering this, for people, especially older generations, our traditional values have not lost their essence. Thereafter, it is refuted that old-fashioned values, such as honour, kindness, and trust no longer seem necessary.

After analyzing both sides of the issues, once more I am inclined to believe that in judging people’s worth old fashioned values play a role, as well. It is recommended that the public not regarding economic development should keep their life-long values as a means of judging and appreciation each other.

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