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The map below is of the town of Galrsdon.... Исполнитель

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This picture depicts two possible locations to build a new supermarket in Garlsdon town.

Garlsdon, a home to 65 000 population consists of four main parts, including countryside, town centre, housing and industry.

The first suggested site (S1) is located between the main road and railway in the northernmost tip of the town’s suburbs. This location is good to be accessible to Hindon town where 10 000 people dwell far away 12 km.

The second potential area (S2) for the supermarket is in the downtown. Even though there is no traffic zone, it could be near at the distance of 16 km for Bransdon (15 000 people) and 25 km for Cransdon (29000 people). Furthermore, it’s convenient to shop for the local people living in the south and north sides of the centre.

Overall, projected S2 site for the supermarket is much more convenient for both locals and neighbouring Bransdon’s and Cransdon’s dwellers.

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