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The number of books borrowed from a Malton Town library Исполнитель

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The chart below gives information about number of books rented in a British local library in 2009.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.malton library.PNG

Written by Sherzod

The bar chart shows how many books were rented from British Malton Town local library in 2009.

People took fewer books (only 23 books) in the first quarter of the year than other quarters where there were rented more than 40 books for each quarter.

The number of rented books fell from 10 in January to 6 in February, before reaching 15 books in May, the same figure for July. August saw twofold figure that of January. After sudden decline in the numbers, people took again 14 books in October, the same number of June. The quantity of the books rented reached a pick at 21 pieces at the last month of 2009.

In general, subscribers took the most number of books (49 pcs) in summer, compared with 37 books in winter and the same quantity of 35 books in spring and autumn. Interestingly, apart from autumn, people read more books at the end of the each season than its beginning.


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