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Reading Исполнитель

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My hobby is reading books, but I can’t buy many books at the shop because they are very expensive. There is a good library near our house. There are a lot of different and interesting books in the library. There you can find any book you want. I go to the library every Saturday. I like adventure, mystery and science fiction books. The librarian helps me find books and gives good advice. If I have free time I like to read. I have read “Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe, “Gulliver’s Travels” by Jonathan Swift, “The Count of Monte Cristo” by Alexander Duma and many other books.

Everybody must take care of books. Even more care must be taken with library books, for they are read by many people. If one person is careless with a library book then it can’t be read by others. People who like reading must take care of books. They should never turn down the corner of a page to mark the place where they stop reading. They should also never write in books with pen or pencil, and they should be careful not to spill food or drinks on them.

Comprehension Questions
  1. Why does the speaker go to the library?
  2. What kinds of books does the speaker like to read?
  3. Why should you take care of books? How do you take care of books?


Discussion Questions

  1. Name at least three places in your town from which you can get books to read.
  2. Do you buy books? Are they expensive?
  3. Is there a library in your town? Have you been there? Have you borrowed books?
  4. List at least three things you must do and five things you must not do with books.
  5. Do you like to read? Why? Are there things you would rather do than read? What are they?
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