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The first chart below shows the results of a survey which sampled a cross-section of 100,000 people asking if they traveled abroad Исполнитель

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The first chart below shows the results of a survey which sampled a cross-section of 100,000 people asking if they traveled abroad and why they traveled for the period 1994-98. The second chart shows their destinations over the same period.

Model Answer 1 written by Rambod: 
The given table compares the figures of a research on why 100 thousand of the UK residents visited overseas from 1994 to 1998, and the given bar chart illustrates which countries they travelled during this time.

As a whole, the majority of the UK citizens travelled abroad for entertainment, and Western Europe was their most favourable destination. By looking at the table, it can be seen that generally there was a growing tendency for the UK people to travel into other countries from 1994 to 1998. During the second year, in 1995, the total number of travellers marginally declined from just over 22000 to nearly 21500; however, it steadily grew and reached the peak of approximately 29000 in the year 1998.

These people gradually became more interested in traveling to all three regions during this period, but Western Europe was the best option. In 1994, just below 20,000 of the UK citizens went into Western Europe, compared with only almost 1000 into the North America. Furthermore, after a small drop in 1995, the population of Western Europe visitors remarkably increased and reached the maximum of above 24000 in 1998, which was far more significant than the other two locations.

In conclusion, the most proportion of the UK citizens had a trip to Western Europe to spend their holidays and for business trips.

Sample Answer 2 written by Kozim: 

The first table represented on task 1 demonstrates the outcomes of a survey taken by one hundred grand individuals asking if they went abroad and their purpose of traveling between 1994 and 1998. Moreover, their arrival countries are illustrated in the second table for the same 4 years of period.

  Overall, it is clear that an aggregate number of visits to overseas picked up marginally, mainly thanks to 4 major purposes of visiting abroad. Likewise, the total number of destinations of visits abroad by Britons saw a slow growth at the same time.

   As it can be seen in the first table that the main reason for traveling abroad was holiday, increasing from 15,246 people in 1994 to 20,700 people in 1998, apart from in 1995 where there was a slow drop of about 300. However, the least common purpose for going abroad was other reasons, fluctuating between 900 and 1000 people each year. The figure for those whose main purpose was doing business and visit to acquaintances went up, at varying rates, constituting 3,957 and 3,181 people in 1998 respectively.

  It is evident from the second table that the most common region for Britons to travel was Western Europe, welcoming 19,371 and 24,519 britons in 1994 and in 1998 accordingly. Of those UK residents who travelled overseas, some 1.782 went to other areas and the other 919 went to North America. The number of Britons who went to other areas rose marginally, accounting for 2,486 people, compared with 1,823 people who went to North America in 1998.

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