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Демонстрационный сайт » IELTS » Writing » Task 1 » The charts below show the number of Japanese tourists traveling abroad between 1985 and 1995 and Australia's share of the Japanese tourist market.
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The charts below show the number of Japanese tourists traveling abroad between 1985 and 1995 and Australia's share of the Japanese tourist market. Исполнитель

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The bar graph illustrates how many Japanese tourists travelled abroad over a period of 11 years from 1985 to 1995 with the line graph indicating Australia’s share in Japanese tourist market at the same period.

From the first graph it is clear that there was upward trend in the number of Japanese tourists travelling abroad for the given period, except in 1991 when there was a slow decrease.

For the first five years, the number of those who went to overseas in Japan doubled, constituting for about 10 million in 1989. The trend followed with 1million increase for the following year before decreasing by 500 000 people in 1991. Continuing to increase further, the figures remained steady at about 12 million between 1992 and 1993, before reaching its highest point at the end of the given period.

It is evident from the second graph, of those who travelled abroad from Japan, some 2 % went to Australia in 1985. This pattern was on the rise, reaching an all-time high of over 6 % in 1993, apart from a sudden 1 % decline in 1989, before going down for the rest of the period.


The   vertical   column   chart    illustrates  an   overall  view   of   Japanese    tourists    going    abroad,   with   the   single   line   graph    indicating    the   proportion     of  those  tourists    travelled  to   Australia   over  a   decade    from  1985  to  1995.

Overall,    the   number  of  tourists    going   abroad    increased,  though    at  varying  rates   for  the  shown  period.

AS  shown  in  the   bar   chart,  the  amount  of   Japanese  tourists      travelling   to      foreign  countries    grew    moderately  from   5 mln  in  1985    to   11  mln   in  1990,   adding   at  least   a  million   annually   to  the   overall  number .   however,   in  the   1991,  it     experienced   a  slight  decrease   to    just   over   10  mln.   After    a  year  of    steady   decline,   the   figure   for  Japanese  tourists      started   to   rise   again,  reaching   an   all- time   high  of   almost  16 mln    by  the     end   of  the   shown  period.

 When  it  comes  to   Australia`s   share   of  Japan`s  tourist  market, it    witnessed   a   spectacular    increase   from    2%  in  1985    to   just  under   5%   in  1988   before    dipping   by  1%  in   1989.  Since   then  on,    its   growth    accelerated     adding   another  2%  to  the  total  number    within   4   following   years  and    remained   at   this   level    until  the   end  of  the    given  period.        

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