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Describe a historic place that you visited. Исполнитель

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Describe a historic place that you visited.

You should say

where it was

when you went there

what it was like

and explain how you felt about the building


I'd like to talk about the mam building of the temple of heaven m Beijing, a

magnificent and colorful construction called the hall of prayer for good harvest,

where the emperors would make offerings to heaven and pray for good harvests. It has a long history because it was originally built m Ming dynasty. I went to this

place two years ago and was amazed at the neat traditional architecture.

You could find many photos on the internet featuring this building. The

cleverly constructed building relies only on carpentry, with no nails employed.

The whole building was built on three levels of marble stone base, which stands

for the ladder to heaven. The top is round, three-tiered and with blue tiled roofs.

Actually it's not common to see blue roofed traditional buildings m China

because blue is representing the Heaven The bottom wails are all m red. which

is the traditional Chinese color, symbolizing good luck.

The tour guide told us many interesting elements of the hall. The Hall of

Prayer for Good Harvests has four inner, twelve middle and twelve outer pillars,

representing the four seasons, twelve months and twelve traditional Chinese

hours respectively. Combined together, the twelve middle and twelve outer

pillars represent the traditional solar term. Inside the hall the ceiling and walls

are covered with lucky pictures in a variety of bright colors, which indicate the

abundant harvest the place will bring to the people.

I think it's a very meaningful historic building for both history and culture. We

should definitely protect it and help our children to arouse interest m history


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