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Демонстрационный сайт » IELTS » Speaking » Describe a place you know where people go to listen to music (such as a theatre or a music hall)
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Describe a place you know where people go to listen to music (such as a theatre or a music hall) Исполнитель

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Describe a place you know where people go to listen to music (such as a

theatre or a music hall)

You should say:

Where it is

What kind of music is performed there

What type of people go there

Why you know this place

And explain your impressions of this place.


I would like to talk about a distinctive theater— The National Centre for the

Performing Arts (NCPA). I visited it and enjoyed a concert in it last year

during my staying in Beijing.

NCPA is an opera house located in suburban Beijing. It was designed by

French architect PaulAndreu. Its construction started in December 2001 and

the inaugural concert was held in December 2007.

The exterior of the theater is a glass dome, completely surrounded by a

man-made lake. So it looks like an egg floating on water. That's why it is often

mentioned in the papers as the Giant Egg. But according to the designer, the

large open space, water, and trees, were especially designed to complement

the red walls of ancient buildings and the Great Hall of the People. In the

theater, there are three halls: the Opera Hall with over 2,000 seats is used for

operas, ballet, and dances; the Music Hall is for music and the Theatre Hall

with about 1,000 seats is used for plays and the Beijing op

In the theater, all sorts of performances take turns to be carried out. And

many influential orchestras and troupes from home and abroad have

performed there. The theater is also open to the visitors for sightseeing. I

strongly recommend you to visit there. Even if you are not to attend a play or a concert, it's still worth going to the theater to appreciate its unique design

or see the art exhibitions displayed there.


I'd like to talk about the Huanglong sports center in Hangzhou, with

modern infrastructure, catering for various sports games, art performances,

leisure and entertainment, food and accommodation as well as shopping. Part

of the construction, the Main Stadium is a popular place for concerts. There

are over 8000 seats available in the stadium which enjoys a good transport.

People can go there either by public transport or on their cars which can be

parked underground. It’s an ideal place for people to appreciate a full range

of music, from traditional Chinese songs, pop rock music to classical foreign

music. All year round, musicians, singers, music bands at home and abroad

prefer to give their concerts there.

On average, two concerts arc held monthly in the stadium. In this

November, Jay Chou, a well-known singer around the world, will give concert

in the Main Stadium during his world tour this year, to review his music

achievement in the past 12 years. It’s the second time for Jay to have a

concert in the stadium. There are so many fans of him that the tickets sold out

in a few days. The coming concert is even said to be the most wonderful

concert worthy being waiting for. Later, by the end of this month, a concert

called “The Singer Returned" will end their tour here in the stadium, when

about ten popular singers will perform for the audience. The singers being

experts in different music styles will surely bring the audience a fantastic

night. Besides that, foreign singers or musicians sometimes give their

personal shows there. For example, Richard Clayderman, a famous French

pianist, gave his Piano performance the last day of last year. Then this June,

the world-acclaimed singer Sarah Brightman offered her concert “Dream

Chaser”. People are enthusiastic about enjoying their performances.

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